Elliptical vs Treadmill – Which Is The Best?

Elliptical versus treadmill

Elliptical trainers and treadmills are very popular cardio gym equipment. Both are noted for comprehensive cardiovascular exercises. At the same time enhancing their users overall aerobic capacity, not to mention fast tracking the fat burning process

Nevertheless, each of these pieces of equipment can present unique benefits when compared to the other. To this end, the following is an elliptical vs. treadmill review that will outline the advantages and shortcomings of each of these exercise machines.

Elliptical Pros

  • With an elliptical your body simulates a running or jogging motion, without any impact on your joints as a treadmill would.
  • Virtually all ellipticals come with moveable handles, which enables you to work your upper body and lower body at the same time.
  • You can also perform reverse stride training that can effectively stimulate various muscle groups in your body.
  • Finally, research has revealed that individuals tend to exercise harder than they recognize while utilizing an elliptical trainer.

Elliptical Cons

  • Unlike a treadmill, an elliptical machine doesn’t come with an incline adjustment feature. This prevents it from offering optimal variations in terms of a regular workout regimen.
  • While presenting less impact, an ellipticals pedals are suspended in the air, and therefore it possesses a lesser weight-bearing effect.

Treadmill Pros

  • Treadmills are widely acclaimed for their unparalleled versatility. You can opt to walk at a brisk pace, jog, or even run an uphill sprint. These machines are known to present a wide variety of workout options when it comes to speed, incline, and in-built exercise programs.
  • As technology advances, fitness experts are developing new equipment, most of which can be awkward to utilize. As it can mimic natural motion, the treadmill is fortunately not affected by this issue.
  • Propelling your weight necessitates a lot of exertion, as a result your body will be in a position of burning more calories in a very rapid manner.
  • Treadmills have been in existence since the 19th century. This means they have undergone extensive research and development and are more perfected than any other cardio equipment.

Treadmill Cons

  • Making use of a treadmill can have a negative effort on your joints. Running on such machine exerts significant stress on the spinal cord, hips, knees and even the ankle joints. This is especially true if you don’t stretch or warm-up prior to using it.
  • Some recent research has revealed that the actual size of the treadmill belt you run on can trigger alterations in the way you walk or run, which leads to muscle imbalances.


The elliptical can be an excellent piece of equipment for those who wish to enhance their cardiovascular fitness with a decreased joint impact. A treadmill, on the other hand, presents more versatility as its motor will oblige you to exercise beyond your “comfort” zone. Depending on your given needs and preferences, you can choose which is best to integrate in your regular workout routine.

Give us a call at 800-269-7130 and talk to our exercise professionals to find out whether an elliptical or a treadmill will work better for you.

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