When Should I Use Ellipticals Instead of All Other Machines?

Side image of True Fitness CS200Woman exercising on an Octane Fitness XTone

Ellipticals have already been around for the past couple of years, but, it is still undoubtedly one of the most popular exercise machines preferred by many today. This fact can even be further supported and proven by the growing number of elliptical trainers present in your local gyms or health club, which isn’t surprising, as this machine gives both your upper and lower body a good workout.

Features of the Elliptical

This works through the different features of the machine. Elliptical trainer exercises the upper body by providing cardio-vascular workout routines. How? Elliptical trainer workout routines are strenuous enough to increase your heart rate, that continuous workouts can strengthen your heart muscles, improve better blood circulation, and lower the risks of heart issues.

The arms and chest can also get enough elliptical trainer workout with the use of the handgrips. These grips mimic the movement of a skier, so you can get enough exercise for the mentioned upper body parts.

Meanwhile, the lower body is also strengthened enough, as the main routine is walking, jogging or running. Lower body muscles will definitely be toned and shaped for more demanding activities with the consistent use of this machine.

Apart from this, there are lots of other benefits an elliptical trainer workout could offer. For one, it can improve bone density and lower the risks of osteoporosis with the elliptical trainer workout routine that provides a weight-bearing exercise.

Weight Loss

Also, with elliptical trainers, weight loss is highly possible. As mentioned earlier, the equipment provides total body workout, making it a mean fat burning machine. Surely, with the elliptical trainer, calories will also be burned in no time. It also improves the user’s metabolism, for more improved digestive system.


Safety is also one thing this exercise machine can easily guarantee you of. It has lower risks of straining and stressing your legs because it works in an elliptical motion, imitating the natural movements of the hip and knee joints and ankles, so you can be assured that there will be no misstep that will injure you badly. Also, as your feet will never leave the pedals, it would make you feel like walking in mid-air.

The elliptical trainer also comes with a heart rate monitor that you will attach to your chest to help you watch the amount of work you are putting your heart into. This way, you can control your workout to avoid over stressing your heart.

Easy to Start

An elliptical trainer workout is also very easy to start. As the exercise machine employs the simplest workout routines known to man, surely, there will be no trouble for you to start doing it. All you need is the equipment, and a set of fully functioning legs and you are ready to go.

Elliptical trainer workouts are easy, full body exercises, which makes it the most ideal workout for today’s busy society. A thirty minute session with these machines could already be enough for a day’s exercise, making it a friendly health solution and practice for all professionals with little time on their hands.

Source by Mike Singh

Note from Brigadoon Fitness

Ellipticals are now everywhere in commercial gyms as well as in home gyms. They are easy on the joints, give you a great aerobic workout, and burn calories. Other benefits include boosting stamina, improves your balance, and targets specific leg muscles, especially if you switch between forward and reverse to challenge different muscles.

The elliptical uses a gliding motion that lessens the impact of walking or running on the ground. Since they mimic the natural walking path of the ankle, knee, and hips during walking, jogging, or running, they have quickly become the favorite machines of the aging baby boomer generation.

Ellipticals give you a great upper as well as lower body workout. Most of these machines come with built in workouts so you will never get bored.

For the beginner, we recommend the True Fitness CS200 Elliptical. The compact design, low step-up height, and the variety of programmed workouts are great for any level.

For the runner, we recommend the Octane Fitness Elliptical – XT-ONE. This machine replicates your natural running motion.

Brigadoon Fitness offers many ellipticals for sale. Check out all of our products here.

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